Bay Area Altfanthingie Con 2000

(ThingieCon II, Electric Boogaloo?)

September 8-10, 2000

Thank you to Walker for having his digital camera with him - instant gratification!
Speaking of said gratification, there are a ton more photos of our silliness up at the ThingieClub.

Trevor (NightWalker), James (Sir Bastard), Ekat (Ekaterian), Tom (tyg), Kali (Kali Nichta), Liam (Kali's son).

...was spent entirely online. Most communication between the ba-FOGs was simply to organize who was meeting where and how we were getting there.

Kali and Liam, kickin' it on the couch.


Proof that Sir Bastard can hold anything like a gun? SQUEEK!!


Bastard and tyg, contemplating sushi.


NightWalker being... well, NightWalker.:) Ekaterian's giggling at his antics in the background

Basically, we spent all day hanging out at my place and taking turns on the computer in the chatroom. There was action (fun with Cthulhu and other cuddly critters). There was mystery (where did Walker's organizer go?). There was disturbing intrigue (tarot readings as given by 6 year old boy). There was even money exchange (well, someone had to pay the guy for the sushi). And we even watched Princess Mononoke, just for kicks.

I don't know about everyone else, but even after 10 hours of utter madness and chants of "Cthulhu! Cthulhu!" in between squeaks, I had a blast. But next year, the stuffed animals can have a Con of their own. <eg>

Since the Aussies were well into Monday by the time we got together, it was mostly just a simple meeting to grab a quick bite. Ekat and Walker and I met up and headed out to Berkeley for crepes (the unofficial food of ba-FOGs). I thought I was being pretty daring and going a bit nuts with my Kiwi-Strawberry-Honey crepe, until I saw Walker brighten up and order the sweetest thing on the menu. Between the bit of chocolate (which I think he's allergic to) and all the sugar-sweet madness, Ekaterian and I were well entertained through the meal.

After that, we pretty much split up and called it a weekend. Thanks to everyone who could make it IRL, and to everyone online when we were, making it altogether about as silly as it needed to be. :)

Anything you'd like to add? Photos to donate? Comments about the site?
Please email me at

Back to the Main Altfanthingie Con Page, with info on the online parties globally, and info on future Thingie Cons.