See the GeoTag main page for changes in the current version of the program.
5.3 (2024-05-14)
Updated in 5.3
- Images can be selected from your Photos Library. Timestamps and locations can be changed and “written” back to the library. The original file is not modified. No backups are made.
- Map pins can not be dragged. Click on the desired location to move a pin.
- Copied/Cut coordinates are now in the format selected in GeoTag settings.
- Map configuration options are now in a map context (right click) menu.
- At an appropriate zoom level you are given the option to use a 3D map representation. Look for the “3D” button near the upper right corner of the map.
- The last 10 map searches are saved across GeoTag runs.
- Updated app icon to match current guidelines re size and rounded corners
- You can “fuzzy” search for images in the table by name.
- Copy and paste format changed: the coordinate separator is now “, “. A separator of “| ” is also accepted for backward compatibility. Example (lat, lon, elevation): 38.530196, -123.214981, 466.38 Elevation is optional.
Bugs Fixed in 5.3
- Cancelling a search no longer looks up whatever happended to be typed into the search bar.
- Changing the map style no longer repositions the map.
- Coordinate format changes take effect immediately in the image table.
- Data in XMP sidecar files was not read unless the XMP file was in a folder that was opened or the XMP file itself was explicity opened. Note: xmp files can no longer be selected to open.
- Duplicate image processing does more than give a warning.
- Extraneous map centering removed
- Time zone handling when adjusting for zones with a non-zero number of minutes east of GMT.
5.2.1 (2024-04-12)
Version 5.2.1 allowed the window to be reduced to a smaller size to fit on the 13” MacBook Pro. The release is otherwise the same as version 5.2. Only available from
5.2 (2024-03-09)
- Latitude/Longitude and Timestamp keyboard updates are now done in an inspector. Control/right click on an entry and select Edit… or click on the inspectory icon (circled i) to show the inspector for the selected item.
- Thumbnail images can now be up to 1024x1024 in size. They were limited to 512x512.
- Table columns can be moved.
- ExifTool version 12.77
Bug fixes
- The major performance bottleneck has been found and fixed. Valid, but in hindsight poorly thought out code triggered massive processing to keep the user interface in sync. Because the processing was being done in an Apple framework it took much trial and error before I figured out what, exactly, I was doing to cause the issue. A few minor performance enhancements were made while looking for the big one.
- keyboard driven pasteboard actions are now supported in the location and map search fields.
- The prompt to save images when GeoTag quits will no longer be displayed when no changes would be made.
- Exiting full screen mode no longer leaves the image and map panes out of the window.
5.1 (2023-06-14)
- Add option to always create sidecar (XMP) files when updating images.
- Update both images of a raw/jpeg pair when the location of one of the paired images changes. This only applies if both images of the pair were opened and enabled or if updates are written to a sidecar file.
- Add “Report a bug…” to the help menu. Selecting this will open the GeoTag github issues page in your browser.
- (internal) ExifTool version 12.62
Bug Fixes
- Performance improvement when opening large number of images.
- Do not clear window changed indicator when there are save errors.
- GPS Timestamp written to sidecar files sometimes included a timezone instead of being a UTC/GMT relative timestamp.
- Crash that could occur when opening the Setting window.
- Sidecar file backups would sometimes fail.
- image thumbnail could fail to show until the selection changed.
5.0 (2023-02-14)
- Set elevation/altitude when assigning locations from track logs.
- User option to enable/disable the jpeg part of a raw/jpeg pair
- User option to add a finder tag to updated images.
- User option to show/hide ignored files
- User option to show/hide pins for all selected images
- The function to interpolate image location was removed.
- (internal) better performance using structured concurency where possible
- (internal) Exiftool version 12.55
- (internal) User Interface code re-written to use SwiftUI
4.99.x (2023-01-30: Unreleased Version 5 code)
Fixes/changes since initial Beta
- Show the correct “current time zone” in the Select zone window.
- Set the file modification timestamp the the date/time the image was taken when requested. GeoTag was only preserving the file time which may have been other than the original time when Set File Modification Times was enabled.
- Sort the table of images using the current sort order when adding new images.
- Re-build app icon using the new pin shape and color.
- Fix pin colors when showing pins for all selected items.
- Fix pins not showing when clicking on map
- Show/Hide pins for all selected images, not just the most selected image
- Show/Hide grayed out images
- map search bar alignment (trailing)
- Add command-L as shortcut for locn from track
- do not apply track log points when time +/- 6 hours of image time
- Fixed multiple sheets when loading good and bad track logs
- Fixed crash – missing environment object when scrolling table
- Open With now works
- Use custom pin that changes during drag operations. Replaces deprecated code.
- internal changes
- remove “Publishing changes from within view updates is not allowed” warnings due to SwiftUI sometimes having problems binding to Published variables.
- Depricated code to change map types removed. Now using map configuaration
Known Bugs
- Mouse position when adjusting pane divider between top and bottom is incorrect at program startup.
- When Metal validation enabled program crashes when divider is moved
4.15 (2022-06-01)
Add a do not backup option to program preferences. Not recommended, but provided for those who know they always have backups of all their images and see no need to create any more.
Ignore jpg/jpeg files that are part of a raw+jpg pair. Such files are only ignored when both files of a pair are in the same folder and are opened at the same time.
Exiftool 12.41; adds support for OM-1 (OM Digital Systems)
GeoTag 4.14 (2022-01-30)
- Exiftool version 12.39
Bug Fix
- Date/Times could only be modified. A Date/Time could not be assigned to an image that did not have a create date. Fixed.
GeoTag 4.13 (2021-12-03)
- I screwed up 4.12, breaking window resize and the map search bar. 4.13 is 4.12 plus fixes for the things I broke. Sorry.
- The map search bar got buried under the map and somehow I didn’t notice before releasing 4.12.
- Resizing window did bad things
GeoTag 4.12 (2021-12-01)
- Add the ability to adjust the Time Zone used by the code that matches image timestamps to track log timestamps when assinging locations from a track log. Edit -> Adjust Time Zone is the new menu item to initiate selection of a Time Zone. It is only necessary to adjust time zones when the Camera date/time does not match the date/time of the computer running GeoTag.
- Change display color of changed but not yet saved fields to green. This helps identify work in progress when changing the location or timestamp of several images.
- ExifTool 12.30
- Remove broken help page. Instead link to the help information on
GeoTag 4.11 (2021-03-02)
- Pull date/time and existing location information from the image file even when an XMP file exists. The same metadata from an XMP file, if present, will have priority and override the metadata from the image file.
- Update to ExifTool 12.21
GeoTag 4.10 (2020-12-15)
- Add preference item to preserve the original image file modification time when updating GeoLocation data.
- Add “Discard tracks” under the File menu. All tracks are cleared from the map.
- Allow paste into change timestamp and update location windows.
Paste into images when not using the Update Location window now has a new format. The format is “lat | lon” where lat and lon may be one of the following formats.
-dd.dddd R Coordinate in degrees -dd mm.mmmm R Coordinate in degrees and minutes -dd mm ss.ssss R Coordinate in degrees, minutes, and seconds
S latitudes and W longitudes can be indicated by a negative number of degrees or the appropriate reference (R) value. It is an error if both are used. Degree (°), Minute ('), and Second (") marks are optional and ignored if found at the end of a value.
- Update to exiftool 12.12
- Compiled to also run on Apple Silicon
GeoTag 4.9 (2020-06-18)
- mark files that could not be backed up or updated.
- files in red could not be updated by exiftool
- files in orange could not be saved in the backup folder
- new right-click menu option – Show in Finder
- new preference – change the width of tracks.
- ExifTool version 12.0
Bug Fix
- Update existing track color (and width) when the preference changes.
Known Bugs
- Race condition: When photos with the same name are among multiple images opened one may fail to open. An alert will is displayed when this happens.
- Setting the date of an image outside of the range of 1970-2034 may result in an incorrect GPS Date Stamp. This is a limitation of how GeoTag, ExifTool, and macOS libraries handle date and time. One hopes that the year 2034 limit will eventually be removed ;)
GeoTag 4.8 (2020-03-17)
- update CreateDate as well as Date/Time Original. Dates are updated only when the user modifies the image timestamp.
- Warn the user if the Backup/Save folder contains more than 500 MB of images or if the images were added to the folder more than 7 days ago.
- gray out png files. Exiftool can handle metadata in PNG files but finder/macOS can’t.
- update exiftool to version 11.91
Bug Fixes
- Remember the column/sort direction when a user picks a column to order the images in the table. Sort by the remembered value when new images are opened.
- update the script use to build a release dmg
GeoTag 4.7 (2019-12-28)
- Map Search: Map search will now find Points of Interest in addition to addresses.
- When doing a map search the searched location will be applied to all selected images. In previous versions a search would only position the map.
Bug fixes
- Instead of issuing a fatal error use an Alert to notify the user when a file could not be processed.
- Fix possible off-by-one when searching for a track point by timestamp
GeoTag 4.6.2 (2019-07-28)
- Version 4.6.2 is the same as version 4.6.1. The dmg file, however, has been notarized by Apple. Those running the macOS Catalina Beta need a notarized dmg to avoid installation warnings.
GeoTag 4.6.1 (2019-07-10)
Bug fixes
- Some GPX files may not contain any tracks. Tell the user if no tracks were found and otherwise ignore the file.
- The GPS Date/Time value was not being updated in sidecar files.
GeoTag 4.6 (2019-06-03)
New Features
- Sidecar file support: If a sidecar file exists metadata may be read from and updated metadata written to the sidecar file instead of the image file. This is controlled by a new preference item. Files in the same folder as the image file with the same name but with an extension of “.xmp” are assumed to be sidecar files. The presence of a sidecar file is indicated by a ‘*’ following the image name in the table of images to be edited.
- heic (iPhone) and CR3 file support: GeoTag is using a version of ExifTool that now supports writing heic and CR3 files.
- Coordinate display option:
There is a new preference item that controls coordinate display format.
Latitude and longitude can be displayed in one of three forms:
- dd.ddddd
- dd° mm.mmmm’ N (or S, E, W depending upon coordinate)
- dd° mm’” N (or S, E, W depending upon coordinate)
- Preferences Window Change: The Preferences window has been re-organized with the addition of the new preference items.
- Coordinate entry from keyboard: Location coordinates can be entered by double clicking on either the latitude or longitude of an entry. Coordinates can be entered in degrees, degrees and minutes, or degrees, minutes, and seconds. Use of °, ', and ” indicators are optional.
- Slight performance improvement: Reading image metadata has been moved from the main queue. As a result opening a large number of images should be slightly faster.
- ExifTool update: ExifTool has been updated to version 11.44
Bug Fixes
- Dragging an existing pin to change a location is working again.
- Updated image locations could sometimes be written with the wrong longitude reference.
- fix crash that occured in the app was launched by dragging images onto the app icon.
GeoTag 4.5 (2019-03-26)
New Features
- center the map (more or less) on a track when the track is opened.
- Add preference to select track color for GPX tracks.
- change GPX file loaded notification to a sheet attached to the GeoTag main window. Dual monitor users would sometimes find the pop-up previously used on the wrong monitor, i.e. no the monitor they were looking at.
- Verify a file can be written by exiftool. If not do not allow attempted updates that will fail during a save. HEIC (iPhone) files are not writable.
- exiftool 11.32
- swift 5
Bug Fixes
- fix error that caused a “could not save images” alert even when all image data had been saved.
- fix race condition when checking that all images had been saved
- handle GPX logs that include milliseconds in the location timestamp.
- Fix location interpolition issues related to time zones.
- Fix backup file naming. Examples: would be backed up as the first time. would be backed up as the second time. The backup file name should have been
GeoTag 4.4 (2018-09-22)
New Features
- GeoTag can now read GPS track logs in the format of a GPX file and display tracks on the map. This can help locate places where pictures were taken. Use Open (⌘-O) to select GPX files. GPX files can also be dragged onto the table.
- Image location can be updated from a GPS track logs. Select the images to update and use ⌘T, Edit -> Locn from track, or crtl-click -> Locn from track. Note: this can be time consuming depending upon the number of images selected and the number of track log point loaded.
- Images can now be opened with GeoTag. You can select one or more images in finder and then right click and select the “Open With” option. GeoTag will be one of app choices.
- Double clicking on a row in the table will open a window to update the timestamp of the image. Timestamps are not changed during cut/copy/paste operations.
- A time delta can be applied to multiple images. Select the images and use ⌘T, Edit -> Modify Date/Time, or ctrl-click -> Modify Date/Time. Enter the new time for the selected image. A time delta between the new and the existing date/time will be calculated. That delta is then applied to all selected items.
- Images can be selected and the map can be panned/zoomed while saving images. Images locations can not be edited until the save is complete.
- The last 10 map searches are saved across program runs. When Clicking on the search box saved search strings are indicated by a down arrow next to the Q icon. Click on the arrow next to open the menu of saved search strings.
- ExifTool version 11.10
- (internal) Swift 4.2, Xcode 10
Bug fixes
- undoing a location update on an image that did not have a previous location resulted in a location of lat: 0, lon: 0. This has been fixed to restore the image to its “no location assigned” state.
- undoing all actions did not clear the window modified flag causing a “please save” message when window was closed/application terminated.
- No more beachball when saving large number of images. Multiple images are saved in parallel, but the save process can still be quite slow.
- If GeoTag (or your computer) crashed with files opened and one or more of the opened files was moved to a different folder GeoTag would crash on attempts to re-open the file.
GeoTag 4.3 (2018-04-22)
New Features
- Add ability to sort the table of images by column. Clicking on a column header will sort the table by the contents of that column. Clicking again will change the sort direction.
- ExifTool version 10.94
Bug Fixes
- handle the case where the same file name is used for two images located in different folders.
- remove GPS date and time stamps when a location is removed.
GeoTag 4.2 (2018-01-26)
New Features
- Update GPS Date and Time tags when updating location. GPS timestamps are in GMT. The procedure assumes the date and time the image was taken was correct for the time zone. If your camera was set to the wrong time zone or set to UTC/GMT the GPS timestamp will be incorrect. This feature is only enabled when the ‘Update GPS Date/Time stamps’ button is checked in program Preferences. This feature is only available on macOS 10.11 or later When running GeoTag on earlier versions of macOS the button state is ignored.
- ExifTool 10.76
Bug Fixes
- Fix display of error reason when a backup folder can not be selected
GeoTag 4.1 (2017-12-04)
New Features
- Map search is back
- Image backup handling
- Exiftool 10.67
- MIT Software License
Bug Fixes
- GPS info validation
- pin no longer placed when double clicking on map
- pin no longer placed when dragging map
- Changes for Swift 4.0
GeoTag 4.0 (2017-06-30)
New Features:
- Apple maps replace Google maps
- Exiftool is now built in
- Sandboxed for better security
- Image loading is many times faster
- Currently coded in Swift 3
GeoTag 3.5 (2015-09-30)
New Features:
- (internal) update code to use Swift 2
Bug fixes:
- Disable App Transport Security so the maps will load in OS X 10.11 El Capitan
- location highlighting error fixed. When assigning a location and then selecting another image the latitude and longitude are re-displayed in the standard color.
- map search box relocated such that it no longer covers the button used to exit street view.
GeoTag 3.4 (2015-06-18)
New Features:
- Folders can now be dragged and dropped into the table. All non-duplicate files in the folder (and sub folders) will be added to the table for geolocation editing.
- Folders can also now be selected in the File -> Open dialog.
- Add ⌘K as a shortcut for the Clear image list menu option. The command is ignored if any of the items in the list have been edited and not saved.
- Added a GeoTag preference to select a folder where original files will be saved in addition to the Trash. Files in the optional save folder with the same name as an image to be saved will NOT be overwritten.
- GeoTag can assign locations to images by interpolating between two points. See the operating instructions for more info.
Bug fixes:
- Window size and split pane locations are now saved. Restarting GeoTag should use the same layout as the previous invocation.
- When using drag-and-drop GeoTag enabled the drop only when the cursor was beyond the end of the table. It will now allow a drop anywhere in the table. The added images will still be appended to the end of the table, not placed at the cursor location.
- Fixed crash that would occur when dragging movie files into GeoTag
- Fix handling of file systems that do not support the trash. When the original version of an edited file can not be moved to the trash GeoTag will now display a warning and leave the original file in its original folder with ‘_original’ appended to its name. The warning will only be displayed once per GeoTag execution.
- Minimum window size reduced to fit on the smaller Macbook Air
GeoTag 3.3 (2015-04-08)
- Add a search field to the map. Entering the name of a location and then hitting enter or clicking on the find button will center the map on the searched for location.
- Internal changes to match the requirements/features of Swift 1.2. Xcode version 6.3 or later required to build from source.
GeoTag 3.2 (2014-11-16)
- Fix a class of bugs that would cause a crash when decoding optional image properties than weren’t present.
GeoTag 3.1 (2014-09-26)
- Added ability to resize the image table, image, and map panes. Otherwise the same as 3.0.
GeoTag 3.0 (2014-07-29)
This is a complete re-write of GeoTag for Mavericks and later
- written in swift
- Assumes exiftool exists in your run path
- Starting map location/zoom level may be saved
- Faster image loading